My name is Laura Iličić. I’m 16 years old. I was born in Zagreb, Croatia. I finished primary education in Novska, and I started my high school education also in Novska. Now I’m doing my second year in gymnasium. I also finished music school education in Novska, playing violin. One day I would really like go to study at the university, maybe to study journalism or sociology. I like going out with my friends, because they make me happy and we have such a great time together. For the past 2 years I’m a member of our Youth Association from Novska and I’m a very active member, because I love doing that and I’m very excited when we are doing a new project and workshops in our town for young people and for other citizens. I also do some volunteer work in our Public open university and I participate in every project that my school does. Through my primary and now in secondary education I learned three foreign languages – Italian, English and German and now I want to learn French, because I think that knowing other languages in our time is very important for us. I was on two youth exchanges and met so many great people there, who are doing the same things for their town and local community like me. I’m a very open and communicative person and I hope that I will show that through this project.
Why is intercultural dialogue important in general?
So that we can represent our country and our culture, customs, habits, citizens and many other things.