Young ambassador of intercultural dialogue from OŠ Pod goro, Slovenske Konjice

Ambasadorka_O_Pod_goro_reWe, youngsters, have a different view regarding different cultures than adults. But it’s a fact that adults have a big impact on our opinion and development of tolerance. Media and politicians, which we follow every day, should be aware that they are or should be role models when it comes to acceptance and embracement of diversity. We are all human regardless of the colour of the skin, mother tongue and culture. I think that when we catch ourselves thinking in a discriminatory way regarding the different, we should try to cool down with a thought how the different see us. As different as they are to us, we are to them. That is what intercultural dialogue is trying to teach us.” (Perina)



The coordinator of the project YAID on primary school Pod goro in Slovenske Konjice was teacher Maja Olup. She also shared her thoughts about the project and interculturalism:

Maja_Olup“I work with immigrant children for quite some time now. I put a lot of effort in the process of their inclusion into new environment. I try to make it as pleasant as possible. Although I like this work it’s still a challenge for me. On our school we are aware that the immigrant children need different kinds of help especially because of unfamiliarity with Slovenian language and cultural diversity. In cooperation with them we would like to enable them a more efficient integration into the new environment and through this contribute to a better quality of their lives. At the same time we put effort in bringing down walls regarding the acceptance of diversity. At this Hours of intercultural dialogue were very helpful. They helped children to face their fear of the unknown and widened their horizon.”


Project YAID is in 2014 – 2015 implemented by Local Youth Council of Slovenske Konjice and cofinanced by Financial mechanism EEA and Norway Grants 2009 – 2014.

